Steph Flores (They/Them)

“As a queer person it has been a roller coaster ride. I remember back in middle school my closest friend was going through intense dysphoria. I tried my best to support him as he was often bullied for not being the ‘feminine’ standard that people in my class told him to be. Then there I was in my sophomore year of college, feeling that same dysphoria my friend once endured. But I have lost contact with said friend and I was too afraid to ever mention this problem to those around me by ways of fear of putting my trust into the wrong person. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. I went to the Mazzoni Center for some sort of guidance, comfort, anything. Spending an hour just letting out my anger and resentment being pushed to a standard of feminine ways I never wanted to be. And I began crying tears of joy when the center gave me the chance to finally try on a free binder. So as I still question myself as to who I am and who I am not, I am at least in acceptance of the changes I could identify myself in the future.”

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